Creative Direction: Rudy Manning
Art Direction: Ed Rick
Designers: Ed Rick, Thomas Hamdani, Shantie Shue, Joy Lin, Minh Nguyen, Cecilia Zo
Photographers/Videographers: Ed Rick, Rudy Manning, Kevin Webber, Hayden Dawkins
Editing: Josh Guerra
After our well-received street art teaser campaign had the tech and design worlds teeming with speculation about Microsoft’s Surface PC tablet, we launched outdoor advertising for the main campaign coinciding with the tablet’s October 2012 product release. The ads featured images of the Surface tablet from multiple angles with the slogan “Click In”—a reference to the signature keyboard that literally clicks in to the base of the tablet. Our sleek, product-focused aesthetic reflected Microsoft’s new direction, signaling a departure from conventional visual elements generally associated with advertising and allowing the product and the action of “Click In” to connect with the viewer and prove memorable. Incorporating print, outdoor and digital components, our campaign successfully infused an established global brand with a fresh perspective, communicated this message across a wider audience and sparked considerable media and consumer buzz.
I also designed the inside cover advertisement in the december 2012 Issue of Oprah Magazine.